Our night in Fairmont was wonderful and breakfast in bed was pretty good too. We had to check out by 11:00 am, McGyver and I still had a whole day ahead of us. We wanted to get the most out of our romantic weekend, we discussed how we should spend the rest of the day. McGyver gets this great idea that we should head up to the cabin. Normally you can’t get up there until after Memorial Day but this year was a warm winter with minimal snow making it possible (we hoped) to make it to the top of the mountain. It was about an extra hour drive from where we were, seemed like the perfect idea.
We stopped as this cool little town, Deerfield (although the locals call it “Deadfield”), it has this old prison that you could tour. It was Sunday, we couldn’t tour it.
This place was right next to it, we bought subs to take up to the cabin.
This place was across the street, loved the Christmas lights on the wagon.
Then I noticed the car near us. Nothing like a small town, I think this owner has a monoply.
The ride up to the cabin was beautiful, after turning off the mainroad we had 11 miles of gravel road up the mountain.
We saw some deer. Can you see them? Mother nature is good at camouflage.
The views were spectacular, there was some snow, but not to bad.
We get to the driveway, and Mcgyver walks down it (in his good duds, this was in impromptu trip)
McGyver, thinks it’s too deep to drive down. I say that it’s not that bad, let’s try.
I am eager to see the cabin and the latest progress (I didn’t make it up there late last year).
Oh Mcgyver, why did you pick this time to listen to me?
We’re stuck, but we have a neighbor that lives year ’round so Mcgyver sends me to get Jeff and he will hike down to the cabin to get a shovel.
I must hike a 1/2 mile up to that house in these….
Let’s just say, it’s a good thing that no one was filming me!
Jeff gave me a ride down on his Rhino and hooked up the Jeep and tried to pull us out.
Another great idea….that didn’t work. Jeff went back to get his truck and Mcgyver put that shovel to work.
Jeff hooks us up again while Mcgyver supervises.
And then he pulls and pulls…..
It works!
How deceptive that snow can be.
McGyver, knew I really wanted to see the cabin. So he took my camera and hiked back down in his best duds to take some pictures.
He loves me, even when I have bad ideas.
The inside:
The loft:
After visiting with Jeff and Paulette, we headed back down the mountain, relieved that we were freed.
This is Judy (light blue jacket) and my neighbor Paulette.
We picked Judy up, down the mountain aways. One tire of her truck slipped off the edge of the road. Blocking the way down.
We backed up back to Jeff and Paulette’s. We got Judy’s husband Jim and waited.
As we waited I thought about what I learned that day:
1. Never go to the mountains in high heels
2. Don’t try to go the cabin too early in the year, no matter how promising it seems.
3. Maybe I should just listen to McGyver once and awhile.

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