
Steak with Grilled Jalapeno and Pineapple

It’s 4:oo am and I smell a camp fire, but then I hear sirens….close sirens……….really close sirens……… I  drag myself out of be and look out my bedroom window and I see smoke billowing out from behind our garage.  I grab my hoody, my camera, leave the dog inside and putter out to see, with fingers crossed, what was going on.

It wasn’t a camp fire but it was a camper fire, oh ho ho, I am so funny.  Okay, maybe not time for my spectacular wit.  I stayed and watched, took photos till the camera wouldn’t take anymore (later on found out it was a dead battery…couldn’t figure that out so early).  I counted firemen, there were up to twelve at one time, actually I was checking them out under the ruse that I was counting them.

I spoke to the neighbors a bit, first time ever actually.  Nothing like a tragedy to bring you together.  They’ve been refurbishing this camper for months!  Nothing was plugged in, so who knows the cause?  My hearts go out to them, it’s gotta to be tough to watch something of yours literally go up in flames.


A fire in the back of the house seems like good motivation to have a BBQ, I know, I know, not funny!  Seriously it’s a coincidence I’ve been planning to post this recipe today for awhile now.  This was one of those recipes that just popped into my head.  Part of the inspiration came from my daughter who is always posting pictures of her favorite pizza, jalapeno and pineapple.  The other part came from my doc at work who said I should come up with a good beef recipe for the state fair competition.  Those two thoughts came together and this is what popped out.  Not sure if it’s competition worthy but it is delicious.  Besides, I was hankering to grill!


 1 to 1 1/2 lbs sirloin or flank steak

2 cups teriyaki marinade

1 to 2 jalapenos

1 can pineapple rings

chopped fresh cilantro

1 tbs cornstarch

2 cups cooked rice, if desired


Place steak in a gallon seal-able bag, add 1 cup teriyaki marinade.  Marinate 30 minutes at room temp or up to 24 hours  in the refrigerator.

Add remaining 1 cup marinade into saucepan, add 1 tbs cornstarch.  Heat over med-high heat until boiling.  Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

Chop cilantro and set aside.

I like to get everything ready to take outside.  I’ve placed everything on a cutting board including utensils and veggie kebabs for the side.

Over med-high heat, grill the jalapeno and pineapple.

De-seed jalapeno (if desired) and mince, add to prepared teriyaki sauce.

Take 4 slices of the grilled pineapple and mince.  Reserve the remaining slices for garnish.

Add to the prepared teriyaki sauce and mix.

Remove the steaks from the marinade and grill on high till desired doneness.  We like ours Medium rare to rare, it took about 5 minutes on each side.

I’ve also put the kebabs onto grill, and the teriyaki sauce on to gently rewarm.

Yes, that is how my grill always look.  I’ve never believed in a truly clean grill…somehow the food just isn’t as flavorful…or maybe I’m just lazy…..

Remove the steak when done and let rest 5 minutes then slice on the diagonal.

Place a portion on top of some white rice, spoon some sauce over it, top with cilantro and a pineapple slice and serve.

I served it with the veggie kebab, Asian Slaw, and a Cuba Libre.

Don’t cha just want to come over and eat at my place?


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4 Responses to Steak with Grilled Jalapeno and Pineapple

  1. Leah @ L4L April 22, 2010 at 3:53 am #


  2. Janet April 24, 2010 at 3:33 am #

    I am SO trying this!!! **As soon as Matt gets back and puts more gas in the grill.**

    ps…Whispering: dulce de leche

  3. absecreby April 28, 2010 at 10:09 am #

    It’s really well done! Respect to author.

  4. dave hortin/jodus's dad February 1, 2011 at 12:56 pm #

    WOW! and YESSSSS!