What a day Saturday was, actually what a weekend. Seriously felt like I didn’t have a moment (I did, but I didn’t , you know what I’m talking about). First off I stayed up waaaay to late Friday night, just had to watch the end of My Friends Wedding, because I’ve never seen it before, ever. Okay maybe once or twice, but for some reason when McGyver is gone I just don’t seem to toddle off to bed when I should.
You would think that I would look forward to having a bed all to myself, ha, and no snoring. And yet….
So Saturday started off with me hitting the snooze button just a couple of more times then I should have. Then Summer puppy and I went off to participate in the MS Walk, about 150 people turned out to walk and help raise funds and awareness about Multiple Sclerosis. If you’d like to learn more about it please visit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society site. Besides raising money (our group raised $100) and supporting MS, frankly it was a beautiful day for a walk in the park.
We met at Gibson Park, one of the most, if not the most beautiful park in Great Falls.
Isn’t this glass loverly?
Of course we were here for the walk.
Festivities abounded.
Like entertainment in the band shell.
And these, my people,friends and co-workers (and boss), here to support a good cause on their precious time off!
Summer dog is happy to find someone her own size!
Watch out for this volunteer!
She’ll rip the eyebrow hairs right outta ya face, I’m not kidding!
But only if you make an appointment, she’s my facial gal.
Hi Bobbi!
I can’t help myself, I have to do it every time.
Take dog pictures, if only I were that photogenic.
We’re walking yes indeed we’re walking…..
Here’s the whole group of us, bless our little souls.
Aren’t we good people (and dogs)?
Mostly good, I think, well there is hope for us anyways!
I stayed for a bit longer to give my new lens a bit of a workout, so please humor me while I shower you with just a few photos.
You can thank me now for trimming it down to just a dozen or so….I had/have zillions of them.
Thank heavens for digital!
The beautiful archway and flower gardens of the park.
Let’s take a closer look.
Awww, don’t cha just wish you had a private gardner that would come and make your place as pretty?
I just love the color on the Mallard, and the reflection in the pond.
Hehe, I think these geese are Lulu and I.
Got our heads buried looking for food no doubt and the big butts in the air.
That’s right we are really geese.
See it wasn’t dozens, I just said that so you wouldn’t think the eight pictures were too much.
That’s a psycology trick I learned by being a Mom.
After obligatory picture taking time, I headed to the British Tea Shop to get some loose tea.
I had to use the new fangled tea brewer the Baby boy got me for Mother’s Day.
Oh, and I had to stop by the costume shop.
Let’s go back…..
A call, 10:00 pm the night before:
“Yes, baby, are you having a good time at the camporee?”
“Ummm, Mom….”
“Ummmm, Mom…”
This is how our conversations usually go when he wants something but just can’t seem to spit it out.
Turns out he needed an Indian costume for his camporee, and could I pull one out of my ass and magically get it to him?
Moms are magic and I found one (rented), then trekked out to the Scout Camporee.
I’m such a sucker.
The Troop 7 camp area (could you have guessed on your own?).
Complete with Troop Flag,
and troop dog!
They built this contraption that flings tennis balls,
it’s some kind of deadly boy scout weapon.
And I thought they were such nice boys….
They also built the flag pole, maybe they are nice boys.
Definitly Patriotic too.
McGyver, Scout Master and Baby boy, Life Scout.
I must bid you farewell for my day is not over yet!
On the road,
the gravel road,
the road that I thought that led me to the camporee,
but somehow did not lead me back to town.
Folks, I ended up in Ulm, I don’t know how.
By the time I got there, let’s just say, I was glad to recognize it.
And see civilization.
Oh, Lulu, you have waited so patiently for me.
See Lulu and I are making my daughter’s guest book for her wedding in 2 weeks.
I don’t want to reveal too much, but here’s a couple of glimpses.
We stated off with more space, really we did.
I know someone who is enamored with Ladybugs.
We may or may not have had a beer or two.
The pages are coming together.
We worked 7 hours that night and I finally had to go let poor Summer dog out.
I didn’t get home until 9:30 pm!
Straight to bed I should go…but I didn’t.
I made 3/4 of a necklace,
watched a movie
and finally, without McGyver, I slept in silence.
Goodnight everyone.

It was worth staying up and writing. Didnt Ryan know before he left he needed an Indian costume???????