It has been awhile since I’ve had the time to post. Sometimes things in life just don’t allow for mom’s little hobby. Especially when you are the Mother of the Bride! My darling daughter got married this past weekend in Las Vegas! I know, I’m way too young to have a daughter getting married, at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
Actually this wasn’t my first rodeo, My not-daughter (that’s what we call each other instead of “step”) had her wedding 4 years ago. I was lucky enough to be living near her, but with Leah, she is in Seattle, I am in Great Falls. I did what I could long distance. Multiple, almost daily phone calls, I taught myself how to make jewelry because she couldn’t find the perfect necklace, and I recruited a good friend to help me make the guest book, oh and there was some financial contribution.
After all that planning the time finally came, so humor a proud mother, my next couple of posts will revolve around this big event that touched my life.
A destination wedding has some limits, mainly the limited amount of guests. Small numbers didn’t stop us girls from being girls. I arrived Friday night, a little later then the other guests (we only have one cheap super duper saver flight out of Great Falls), so I promptly headed to the restaurant where the girls were waiting for me. They had my meal and margarita waiting for me…I should trying being late more often if I get that kind of service.
Can you tell who the bride to be is?
Claudia, Leah’s very good (and wonderful) friend made arrangements for us to hit the popular club Pure.
McGyver took over as ‘papa’ and babysat our grandson so Leah’s not-sister could enjoy a night out.
I showed up in jeans (yes, Claudia, you told me to wear a flirty dress…I should have listened)
There was quite a crowd waiting to get in. However, we were on the guest list which gave us priority entrance.
See the guys in the suits, that’s just a couple, I think there were about 20 of them just on the outside.
It felt like we were going down the red carpet and needed body guards or something.
Except we weren’t in Hollywood,
and we aren’t famous,
and I was wearing jeans…
but other then that, it was pretty cool.
The club has “Pussycat” girls all over.
Are they trying to make me feel worse, cause it’s working.
Check out the seating area? That’s not for people on the guest list…
That’s not for people who wear (insert Mom) jeans to a hip club….
That’s for people with a lot of money and a little fashion sense, probably don’t even have to have fashion sense if you have money!
The place got crowded, I paid $27 for two drinks and the music got loud.
Vegas club, √ !
A little snafu…my mom and my sister went to check in at the hotel and no room.
I can’t hear my phone, crowed club, loud music….
Texting ensued.
After much texting with my sister and McGyver, I threw in the white towel (it only seemed appropriate) and went to the hotel to fix the issue.
I won’t go into details, but my mom, my sister and my niece ended up with a nice upgraded room.
So I was rescued from the club (and my embarrassing attire) and met up with a couple of the girls in Leah’s room later.
Where the drinks were cheaper, and there weren’t any crowds, where it was quieter, where my jeans were suitable attire, and we could chat…like girls do.
This is the beautiful Claudia.
My not daughter, looking like the princess she is.
That’s the bride to be, no she’s not crying, she’s actually having a good time.
Claudia, Janet, you know what this was about–just between us girls.
On the day of the wedding Leah and I had our make-up and hair done at the Alexandra Salon in the hotel.
We had such a great time.
We had our hair done
and we talked
we had our lashes done
and we talked
we had our make-up done
and we talked
that’s just what girls do.
Doesn’t she look beautiful?
I’m not just saying that because I’m her mom, she really is beautiful.
The staff was fabulous, Elena did my hair, she’s in the striped shirt.
I loved her, I wanted to take her home and have her do my hair and make-up every day.
Plus she is so fun and interesting, I could do a whole post just on her!
Then I saw the bill, can I just say I won’t be making my mortgage payment this month, wowser.
Sorry Elena, you’ll have to stay in Vegas.
Fast forward (don’t worry I’ll fill you in on other details the rest of the week)…..
No wait, let’s go back to the salon. At the salon there were some other women getting their hair and make-up done for a wedding.
And like the typical girls we are, we can’t help but oooh and ahhhh at everyone’s transformation.
That being said, let’s fast forward to after the reception.
McGyver and I decided to have one cocktail and relive the beautiful day before we toddled off to bed.
We were at the Garden Bar, when I see two ladies, one in a wedding gown and a man in a kilt come walking in.
I tell McGyver, “hey they (the girls) got their hair done at the salon today, Elena did the brides and my hair, isn’t that cool?”
Like he cares, and I tell him “Elena told me the bride is a brain surgeon” , now that, he found interesting.
I couldn’t let the moment pass, I said “I’m going to say hi”
So I invited myself over while the groom was away.
And we talked, and talked and then McGyver joined us, and then the groom came back,
and we chatted some more.
Folks, I’m sitting in a bar in Vegas, next to McGyver who’s dressed like a Montana cowboy on one side of me, on the other is a man in a kilt, across from me a glowing bride in her wedding dress and wearing Keds and I thought to myself, why this isn’t strange at all, it’s Vegas baby!
Congratulations Mike and Maria from Detroit and nice to meet you Julie from California.
(Forgive me if the names aren’t quite right, it was late, it was after 3 or 4 cosmos and a glass of champagne or something like that)
Dinner and chatting, dancing and chatting, hair and make-up and chatting, cocktails and chatting…
What can I say, it’s a girl thing!

I hope you remember me. We sat together at rehearsal dinner. I was hoping the rest of your pictures would show up on your site. Not a bad picture of my Ex, and our daughter Kelly.I certainly enjoyed your company, and was honored to meet your beautiful family. It was a great Weekend. The Wedding and reception was the greatest moment of my life. Leah and Jodus Make such a beautiful couple! I’m so proud. You must be too!. It was so nice to meet you and your wonderful family. I had a great time. Thank you for such a wonderful weekend!