The day before the big event. What a busy day, as mother of the bride I found myself being a coordinator, ever try herding cats (Herding Cats on You Tube)? That’s what my day felt like. Trying to get a group together is never easy especially after a bachelorette/bachelor party night and traveling the day before. I tried taking a picture of our view outside our room, as you tell I got a good reflection of me trying to get the shot.
Once we were finally rounded up, we hit the Flamingo buffet. It is the easiest way to please a group of people.
The buffet had a special Memorial Day weekend buffet, read it will cost you more….
Mostly my side of the family went to breakfast.
I was really proud of the bride and groom (especially the groom) because they showed up in good spirits despite the previous night’s activities.
I did not take a single picture between breakfast and the rehearsal dinner that night.
Guess I was too busy taking care of business.
For rehearsal dinner we met at Harrah’s Range Steakhouse for dinner.
The gang was all here.
For a destination wedding we had a great turn out from Virginia to Washington State.
We’re not a fancy family so when the Cesar Salad showed up with “little fishies” on it, much of it was picked off.
Somehow I ended up with more anchovies than salad…but I’ve always been the oddball, I like anchovies.
I’m a doting grandmother so there are more pictures of my grandson (he was sitting near us also) then of the bride.
Papa is sharing his crouton.
When Trenton gets a blackberry with his dessert, he must touch,
squeeze, touch, then eat.
Because what fun is a berry if you don’t pulverize it first.
The Baby boy, his uncle, doesn’t help…kind of encouraging if you ask me.
Plus they both must of got a special memo to wear orange?
Of course silliness ensued.
Because silliness is just what we do.
And there was loving going on too.
What would Vegas be without the proverbial lounge singer?
The Baby boy arranged for a special song for the bride and groom to be.
And they danced, and they look so in love.
They are so in love.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Finally I get the message, no more pictures…
Awwww, save me!
I went all the way to Vegas to see a bronze made up cowboy?
Amazinng isn’t it?
Back to the room after the dinner.
We were in the “Go” style rooms.
Very modern.
Very pink.
Just wanted to share with you how coordinated I was.
That’s right flamingo pajamas at the Flamingo Hotel, now that’s dedication!

So glad you got so many pictures! I had an epic fail on that front.