During this last week of rewarming leftovers, and making basic leftover foods like Shepherd’s Pie and Turkey Noodle Soup, I’ve had time to browse through some old photos. I didn’t post them for one reason or another, maybe the photos weren’t that great, or they were disappointing recipes, or like this one…a failure (as originally planned).
I had this vision of little puff pastry cups filled with lemon curd and topped with whipped cream.
- I had some leftover lemon curd from this post.
- I had some whipping cream leftover, don’t remember why.
- My puff pastry accidently got defrosted and needed to be used.
Necessity is the mother of invention; I needed to use up some stuff so I invented something. At least I thought I was going to invent something easy. Problem is, I’m not much of a baker or a dessert maker. Sure when I put my mind to it, I can follow a recipe exactly. However, with my lack of experience, I don’t have enough knowledge to “wing” it.
I have had zero, zilch, nada experience with puff pastry. I’ve read about it, read recipes that used it, watched cooking shows that used it and even watched how it was made. I learned enough to know that for the most part, the packaged stuff is pretty good because real puff pastry, like phyllo dough, takes a lot of work and time. That being said, I didn’t realize that simply rolling out the puff pastry and fitting it to a mini muffin pan wouldn’t end up with perfect little puffy cups. Quite to the contrary. I discovered puff pastry will puff and puff until it fills your little muffin tin and there is no longer a distinguishable cup shape.
Not to be out done by my puff pastry, I simply cut them in half and made little lemon curd sandwiches a.k.a. bites. McGyver and the Baby boy popped them into their mouths and declared them delicious. Crispy outer shell, creamy whipped cream and a nice tart lemony filling. I would definitely make these again, only I would skip the muffin tin and just cut out little shapes and let them puff up till they were ready for some fillings. Or I would use pie or phyllo dough to get a nice fillable cup shape.
Onto the creation, bwahaha. Ingredients were simple: puff pastry, lemon curd, whipping cream and granulated sugar.
I read somewhere that you should chill your bowl and beater before whipping the cream, so I did.
My muffin pan is non-stick, but I sprayed it anyways. I’m just that kind of gal.
One of the reasons I don’t care for baking is the mess. When you cook, it’s a cutting board, knife, pot, spoon, spoon rest and not too much else. When you bake, there’s bowls, beaters, measuring cups and spoons, spoons and spatulas, pans, serving dishes and rolling pins. That doesn’t include the sticky flour-y mess on the counter, which results with me dirtying up, yet another item to scrape the gunk off the counter. Being the little McGyver-ette that I am, I threw down some parchment paper, floured and rolled the pastry on it. When I was done, I just gathered it all up and disposed of it, ahhh, what a beautiful thing!
Cutting out the circles and shaping them in the pan.
Ignorance was such bliss. I mean, don’t they look like they have a lot of potential. Why didn’t they tell me they were going to rebel and refuse to be cute little cups? Maybe I just got a batch of teenaged puff pastry?
Then out of the oven, and horror of all horrors, no cute little cups, not a one. *Sigh* Just mounds of puffed pastry.
Sometimes you just need to take things in stride. Besides I hate wasting food! So I pressed on and made the whipped cream. A tablespoon of sugar and probably about a cup of cream??? Been so long I don’t even remember!
The whipping part went just as planned, maybe it was my chilled utensils?
The little lemony nuggets were quickly assembled and even more quickly devoured!
Not too bad for a failure?
If anybody has some pearls of wisdom to share about puff pastry or what I should have done differently, I ‘d love some advice. Please help this non-baker, non-dessert maker, pa-leeeeeese.

It doesn’t look like a failure to me. I am not very sklld at desserts. Sure, I love to make cookies, cakes, brownies, and pies, but byond that, I have no idea what to do. I can’t even make proper caramel. No clue why! I think I am too good at winging things, that when it comes to things that really depend on science and ratios, I am screwed.
I love how you said that necessity is the mother of intervention.
I don’t bake much too, although I’m actually beginning to bake nowadays because I find the photos look more colorful and baked goods look prettier… but still, I completely agree with the whole baking mess thing!!! And BTW, these lemon bites don’t look like a failure at all.. in fact it looks beautiful!
That’s my girl!!! 🙂
I love puff pastry and I have used Pepperidge Farms’s puff pastry many times but honestly it kindda sucks. The texture is always soggy in the middle. I recommend getting a better puff pastry. I like the one they sell at Whole Foods.
Good luck. Your idea was genius.
You salvaged the day. They sound delicious and your original idea and recovery are both brilliant. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings…Mary
This does not look a failure to me at all. In fact they look delicious. I look forward to someone posting some advice for you so that I can also learn from it.
aww no worries, they look like lovely stuffed profiteroles!
if you want a cup shape though, you should go with phyllo dough, which won’t puff up like your puff pastry. you’ll end up with crispy flaky crusts (like baklava), but the shape will hold nicely.