Tired of Turkey and Ham? Didn’t get a chance to indulge yourself at Christmas? Start the New Year right with a Prime Rib Roast. I’m talking about the king of roasts here. The beauty of a prime rib roast is how easy it is to make. The only way you are going to mess up this roast is by over cooking it. The beauty of having such a fine cut of meat to start with means that you don’t need to do much in the flavor department. The real secret to a prime rib roast is the method by which you cook it. I don’t even have a recipe, just follow the simple instructions and I guarantee a perfect prime rib roast.
You need at least a 2 rib roast to do this, I cooked a 3 rib roast because I am Mrs. Greedy. I start by heavily salting the meat all over (except the top fatty part), I recommend Kosher salt. I use a steak seasoning to create a crust on the top. You can do this up to 4 days in advance, at minimum for 24 hours. I don’t know all the scientificiness behind what the salt does to the meat, I just know it makes a BIG difference.
Before I roast the prime rib, I cut the meat away from the bone and then tie it back on. Removing the meat from the bone and tying it back on accomplishes two things, the ribs make a natural rack and the meat comes off easily, making it a snap to carve. I place it in a roasting pan or in cast iron skillet (remember it has it’s own rack). I’ve had my best success (trust me I’ve been doing this every year for about 15 years) cooking it low and slow. I roast it in a 200 oven, about 30 to 45 per pound. Typically I use a meat thermometer to determine doneness, when it’s 125 – 130, it a perfect medium rare.
I remove the roast and tent it with foil, then blast the oven to as high as it will go (550). In about 20 minutes, the roast has rested, the oven is hot and I place the roast (without the foil tent) back into the oven to get a nice browned outside….perfection!
Once I remove the roast to a carving board (a.k.a. my cutting board), I put my pan on the stove top and turn it on medium high heat. Add some beef broth or wine to deglaze the pan and viola, an Au Jus. I’m very traditional when I serve prime rib, a small cup of Au Jus and some horseradish and I am delirious.
A perfect meal for McGyver and me (Thanks, Kimmers, for wine! Thanks, Mom, for the gorgeous center piece)
See the perfection, taste the perfection!
What you don’t see is that I ate a giant baked potato, got so full on potato and wine that I couldn’t finish my Prime Rib, so much for being Mrs. Greedy.
We ended up with plenty of leftovers. I see future posts coming up.

Perfect Rhonda, I was saying to myself a few days ago that I needed to learn to do a ‘roast beef’….and here it is, pink in all its glory. Yummy and delicious, for 2011. Have a great year and may it be full of learning, joy, peace and love!
Dear Rhonda,
It is so good to see really rare roast beef in a recipe.
Very difficult to find in restaurants or pubs in the UK now.
I shall certainly be trying this out.
Best Wishes, Colin.
Colin, always happy to see someone who appreciates a rare roast beef. How disappointing that it’s difficult to get. I had no trouble when I lived in the UK, even in the height of the mad cow isssues. I’ll kkeo that in mind when I go back.