With a foot of snow and temperatures of –20F what do Harley riders do? Throw a party with gambling, drinking and karaoke. The Big Sky H.O.G. chapter put together a membership night using the theme “Deadwood”. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they had organized it, I know it takes a lot of work organize a big event.
I thought the boys and girls bathroom signs were funny.
They had a “bar” set-up and offered food; please don’t mind McGyver’s manners, can’t take him out anywhere.
Once McGyver got our drinks, we sat down at the Texas Hold ‘em table. The dealer had to explain how to play the game. See, McGyver and I have many vices but gambling is not one of them, we are totally ignorant or how the whole thing works.
After a demonstration we started playing and I learned words like, check, call, fold, etc. Actually I knew those words, I just have never used them to pass on a bet, stop a bet, or end my turn.
I know it’s wrong but I took special pleasure in beating out McGyver; by the end of the night I was up $40 from my $1000 and he was down about $400. Even if I did lose to him “what’s mine is mine and what’s his is mine” right? At the end of the night you got to use the funny money to bid on prizes. We didn’t stick around for that since I was catching an 0’dark thirty flight the next day.
Regardless we had a good time and I flew out the next day feeling like I had a good time the night before…..
See you in Iowa.

Looked like fun on a cold Montana evening.
I actually JUST started watching Deadwood on HBO (they’ve cued up all of season 1). Good stuff…a little gory, but very good
Looks like you guys really took the theme to heart, I’m impressed!
what the heck is going on with Dads beard?!?!?