One of the things that I love about biker’s is that they are some of the most patriotic people I know. Bikers are proud to be Americans. They love their freedoms probably more than anyone. More than being proud of being American and enjoying their freedoms, Biker’s appreciate the people who made and continue to make it happen.
I’ve included some links on biker organizations that show how proud they are to be American and how passionately they care for the men and women of the United States Military, the people who sacrificed their lives so we could enjoy a Memorial Day Weekend.
This Memorial Day, while you BBQ, drink beer and spend time with your friends and family, take a moment to remember the men and women who died for our freedoms. And remember there is a biker(s), right now doing something to memorialize our fighting force.
Patriot Guard riders (one of my personal favorites)
There are many more organizations, local and national, check one out near you.
Not biker related but here’s a site about American Battle Cemeteries overseas.

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