I met Susan through my daughter Leah. Susan and Leah have been blogger friends for awhile, she was super excited to introduce me to her at the Foodbuzz Festival in November 2011. The moment I met Susan I instantly liked her. Her warm and sincere personality was immediately evident. She had a quick and easy laugh, I could tell she enjoyed life.
After meeting Susan, I started following her blog The Great Balancing Act, and following her through Twitter. That doesn’t sound unusual unless you know that her blog was more about being healthy, eating well and exercising. I am not about eating well and certainly am a far cry from a regular exerciser (not that I don’t believe in them…I am just bad about it).
So why did I keep reading her blog? First, she is inspiring, and I could use some healthy inspiration; second and most importantly, she’s not a “healthy living snob”. In other words, the girl eats junk and boozes it up every now and then. She has “balance” in her life…like how I did that?
This lovely yoga loving, fun loving, young blogger friend was diagnosed with lymphoma. The big “C”! Cancer changes your life in many ways, unfortunately it also affects your finances. So the blogging community hosted by Janetha of Meals & Moves, has gotten together to do an online auction to raise money to help Susan out.
You can find out more about Susan here. The auction begins July 25th (I have my eye on a few items already), you can donate items, bid on items or donate directly to PayPal if you like. Or you can just stop by and show your moral support. To check the rules, click here.
You can view the items here.
Susan, we all are wishing you success in treatment/cure for lymphoma! You “have a heart” and we are here for you.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!! xoxoxo