I’ve been pretty lax lately on keeping up with my posts, especially Mondays. Spending every weekend up at the cabin and loads of visitors and many more excuses, time seems to slip through my fingers like sand.
I’ve been meaning to recount mine and McGyver’s honeymoon. We did 13 countries in 10 days on a 1998 Harley Davidson Super Glide. Incredulously I kept a journal the entire time. To understand why it is so incredulous, one would only have to look at the many dairies I owned as a child. Written in, carefully kept under lock and key and then put away with only a handful of entries. Or review my children’s baby books, those first few months of careful annotation of everything about them and then a few random entries, until it tapered off never to be completed. I’m a shameful mother, it’s in my genes, my baby book looks the same.
Since the honeymoon was only 10 days, it may explain why I actually started and finished it. Evidently I was able to stave off the ADHD that occasionally takes me over.
Each Monday I will share a day or two in our honeymoon with minimal editing and hopefully photos to accompany.
Sunday, June 22, 2003
“Preparing for the trip…We’ve been waiting a long time for this trip. We ordered the tickets in April ‘03, then we waited and waited and waited. There were problems getting tickets to us (and the other Americans stationed at Spangdahlem AB, GE). After a few heated and worried phone calls, plus a promise of a bottle of Jack Daniels for Marc in England (the HOG rep. for Germany and Austria), we finally got our tickets yesterday.
Today we spent the day packing all the necessities. Boy, are we getting old – these days we pack a whole pharmacy with us plus a lot of just in case stuff, you know just in case there’s no toilet paper, etc. Back in the day, it was just hop on the bike and go, all the rest will work out. Of course McGyver has to have all his gadgets…
We managed to get what we think we’ll need and we have a support vehicle meeting us in Barcelona for the 100th Anniversary HOG Rally. Since this is our honeymoon trip we are traveling on our own and not with the Trier Chapter folks.
A little background
Lonnie “McGyver” and myself Rhonda “Giggles” have known each other for almost 4 years. We road together in a small motorcycle group named the Dix-n-Hos (that’s a story for another time). We started dating in Sept ‘01. We became engaged on Memorial Day weekend ‘02, at the POW/MIA rally. McGyver went up on stage and asked me to marry him in front of everyone. What could I say?
We finally married on June 18, 2003 in Speicher, Germany at the Rathause (courthouse). We had a kick ass party Friday the 19th, lots of friends, beer and tequila, need I say more.
[Note: Since we weren’t leaving until later we spent our wedding night at the gorgeous Waldhotel Viktoria]
All that leads up to this awesome Honeymoon. Taking the Harley through Europe going to the 100th Anniversary Rally and seeing the Rolling Stones. I can’t think of any thing better then being married to a wonderful man like McGyver and traveling through Europe on a Harley.

Ummph. Well, uuuurp wasn’t it. “Yes” was ok after you had recovered your dignity ;^) I think I’m much luckier to have kept you so befoozeled that YOU think so.
McGyver, out
What an awesome love story – a Harley honeymoon plus the Stones! It’s stories like this that make me smile – what a beautiful bride and handsome groom 🙂 Yes, Indian food is amazing – and when made ‘portable’, even better. You could have eaten my blintzes on the back of the Harley! LOL