I can’t believe it’s here, my honeymoon is ending…again. I’ve spent the last of many Monday’s retelling the story of honeymoon trip through Europe on our 1998 Harley Davidson Super Glide. We went through 11 different countries, we rode hard, ate well, drank much, loved lots and had the time of our lives. If you are just now joining our journey, you can catch on our prep days here and here, and days one, two and three,four, five, part 1 of day six, part 2 of day six, day seven, day eight, day nine and day ten by following the colored text links.
Friday July 4, 2003
We are awoken early this morning by the street sweeper but we both fell back asleep. McGyver was up again a couple of hours later – he’s definitely an early “riser”. McGyver packed up our things while I lazed in bed, this had become somewhat of a regular routine for us, I never was much of a morning person.
We ate breakfast then McGyver packed up the bike while I enjoyed my coffee. He came back in and said today promised to be another cool, wet, typical German day. This time we’ll leave with the rain suits on.
We walked around a bit, picked up a souvenir and then back to the hotel to check out. We finished loading up the bike for that final ride home, we had about 5 hours of riding left. The weather cleared and blue skies were showing – you guessed it, we took off without donning the rain gear.
Not twenty minutes down the road things changed, yup, that rain came down and with a vengeance, will we ever learn? We pulled under a bridge and put the gear on, laughing at ourselves for being so optimistic.
The ride home was all autobahn – a very easy ride. It rained off and on the whole ride home – welcome back! We pulled up to the Café B-50, our local watering hole where we held our wedding party and chatted with Sid, the owner, then down a couple of blocks to home.
Unloading the bike in the rain was par for the course… A quick unpacking and loads of laundry to do, our evening was planned. we ended this trip at 32,358.7 miles. Although this was the end of the most awesome trip it was only the beginning of our honeymoon!
When we got home, we found these cute little guys in our backyard!

Thank-you soo much for sharing your honeymoon. Enjoyed ready about places I’ve also been to in Europe and forgot about.
I hate that the honeymoon story is over, too. How special that you got home to your own little herd of deer! Thanks for sharing this tale!
It was so great to relive it, plus I got the pictures to go with the journal entries so when we are old and more senile I’ll remember what the pictures are from 😉