Seriously, I have a cold that is just kicking my ass! It has sucked the life out of me. I have no energy, no will to do anything except hack my lungs out. I’m wheezing, snoting and coughing so bad that even the dogs won’t sleep with me. McGyver has relegated himself to the basement so he can get some sleep. Everyone is sleeping but me, and what little I do get, I have to get sitting up. This is the worst cold I’ve ever had! Maybe it’s not a cold, maybe its pneumonia, maybe I’m dying. Maybe my husband shouldn’t be reading The Stand by Stephen King right now and putting these ideas in my head. I’m feeling sorry for myself and I’m whining, A LOT right now.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t show a little my giveaway is still running all this week and I wanted to give you another opportunity to enter to win this bamboo salad set from Bed, Bath and Beyond and my favorite dressing emulsifier from Target.
Speaking of , Thanks Eliot’s Eats for showing me some bloggie love and awarding me the Liebster Blog award! I’ve mentioned before how great she is and this is just another example. If you haven’t checked out her blog you should, she’s busily cleaning out her pantry and freezer (which I should be following suit), and sharing all the clever ways of using up what’s on hand.
I’ll be sharing my love with some of my fellow bloggers….
Now excuse me while I try to find my lost lung and go through another box of tissue.

That bamboo salad set is beautiful. We eat a lot of salad and I’ve been wanting to do more homemade dressing. A perfect set to help!
Good luck, even if you don’t win, I highly recommend the emulsifier, it’s my fav!
Sorry about your cold. You need to kick it’s ass right out of you! My remedy is lipton chicken soup w/ lots of garlic, all the oj you can drink, cough drops, and as much rest as you can. Hope this works for you. Nice giveaway. I hope you feel better soon!
I really should be drinking more OJ, thanks for the reminder.
GET WELL SOON! (And tell McGyver to quit scaring you with references to The Stand—I love that book by the way!)
(Thanks again for the kind words!)
What a great giveaway! Feel better soon!
Thank you so much for offering such a great giveaway! I hope you feel better soon. 🙂
Actually I’m already feeling better, I think whining publicly helped. It must have been everyone’s well wishes!
Woo…I’ve always wanted a bamboo salad bowl!