I’m continuing my revisit through my motorcycle journal, it started with our Honeymoon where we traveled for 10 days on McGyver’s 1998 Harley Davidson Super Glide. Fast forward a year and my journal takes us on our Anniversary Run.
July 4, 2011
Bike’s are packed, weather is overcast, cool, but not too cold. Starting out with 3,908 miles in the 2003 anniversary edition Road King Classic. This is Lonnie’s and I first long trip since our honeymoon and the first long trip ever on the Road King.
McGyver and I have been separated for nearly a year. I was sent back to the U.S. (Scott AFB, IL) and McGyver had to stay in Germany till he got a job in St. Louis. It took nearly a year, but it finally happened. He’s be repatriated back through Seattle so we could pick up the Road King that was bought last year and delivered to his dad.
Fortunately his dad was able to take good care of it, got those broke in miles pus a few thousand more on the bike for us. The travels were mostly uneventful. Somewhere around Camp Murray (South Tacoma) we began to see some motorcycles then we saw more and more and more, all in all we found out there were over 1,200 bikes of all types waving flags on their bikes. Evidently it was a freedom run for on of the Striker Brigades. The run went from Fife to Camp Murray and back, it was an awesome sight.
Our travels ended for the evening in Couer d’alene, Idaho. You couldn’t have asked for better riding weather or company.
Can’t forget about my giveaways! The winner from last week is….Karen, hooray!
This is the last week I’ll be doing a giveaway. I’m ending my blogoversay celebration with some homemade goodies. Two bottles of my BBQ sauce (Biker Chick and Biker Dude) in an adorable holder, plus 3 of my seasoning packs (magic seasoning salt, taco seasoning and my chile rub) plus a BBQ brush and a brush attachment for the bottled stuff.

I just wanna say that I love your giveaways, even though I can’t participate.
(Hey that sorta rimed, didn’t it?!?)
I love the name of your BBQ sauce and you go girl with those spice mixes. Wow—I can’t believe you guys were a part of a year!
Thanks. McGyver and I have been separated too many times, it’s the military way. It was a great excuse for me to fly back to Germany a couple more times though.