Our ride continues, last week we stayed in Belgrade, Montana our next destination was my bestest friend in the whole wide world!
Tuesday July 13, 2004
Up at the butt crack of dawn, just like being at work…except I look forward to a day on the bike, packing, breakfast and we’re ready to hit the road. We left at 0745 with 4,714 miles. We are heading towards Billings, planning on it for our lunch stop.
Dad wanted to go to a steak buffet. It took us about 30 minutes to find the “steak buffet”, actually it was the Golden Corral. They only serve the steak buffet for dinner, oh well. The food was good and filling.
Based on Jen’s recommendations we altered our route plan and hope to save 120 mile and make Minot by tonight. Dad will be going his own way – off to drive through Yellowstone and down to Boise, Idaho to do some visiting.
Additional Comments: I didn’t talk about this in my Journal but my father in law had gone on and on abut this fabulous steak buffet, he’d never seen anything like that. Keep in mind he was in his mid-seventies and lived in a town of only a few hundred. He pumped up this steak buffet so much, you can only imagine McGyver’s and mines face when we saw that it was only the Golden Corral. The truth is that we don’t even care for buffets (with the exception of some Vegas ones) but we didn’t have the heart to tell him. We ate with great enthusiasm at lunch, it was more important to enjoy being with family than where we ate anyways.

I love the buffet story. It is sometimes tough to travel with family. We are weaning my in-laws (slowly) away from chain restaurants when we travel together. At one point we were actually in the Galveston area and they wanted to go eat at Red Lobster. Seriously, we were in the gulf—fresh seafood!!!!!! 🙂 That was kind of the last straw and now we make strong suggestions on where we eat out!
Stupid blog hates me “It looks like youve already said that” and no comment. So, wth here is what I TRIED to say
Something else that should be mentioned. “How come you walk funny (bow-legged), Dad?” asked Thing One. ‘Well, Grandpa walks like this and when I was growing up, I guess I thought that was the way you should walk.” “So how come Grandpa walks like that?”
What I told Thing One at the time was that “That’s the way he grew.” Which answered the question adequately for a kid of five. BUT, for all the readers here, the REASON that was the way he grew was that Dad was the youngest of the kids during the Depression. He was born in July of ’29, just before the Crash. As the youngest, he didn’t get enough greens and developed rickets. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickets So, Dad walked bowlegged and I emulated him. We both are bowlegged. Kids… Eat Your Greens
McGyver, Out
You mean you’re not bowlegged from riding your motorcycle so much?
told you this blog hates me. Anyway… the thing is, growing up in the depression, I guess made Dad big on all you can eat salad bars and smorgasbords and buffets. So GCs all you can eat STEAK (Thursday evening?) really blew him away. So that’s the real end of my poor attempt at a post..
Mcgyver, Out