Today is National Eggs Benedict Day. Eggs Benedict is my all time favorite breakfast! There,s nothing that I don’t like about it. The traditional version starts with a crunchy sour base of English muffins topped with BACON, followed a poached egg and then smothered in a silky buttery lemony cream sauce. Heaven on plate that’s all there is to it!
Nothing in the food world stays basic! Even my version uses Redneck Bacon, grilled asparagus and a blender Meyer lemon hollandaise sauce with a touch of thyme.
Because I love Eggs Benedict, I’m forgoing Motorcycle Monday and sharing my eggs benny love. I’ve gathered together some links so you can check out all the many ways of Eggs Benedict:
For a traditional recipe and history (plus her lovely photography) visit My Fudo:
Breakfast and Recipes: History of Eggs Benedict
Here’s a gluten free recipe from Carla’s Gluten Free Recipe Box:
And from Soupbelly a California Style (hello avocados):
Over at Gilt taste, they go Greek with pita, spinach and feta cheese:
Here’s a tasty sounding vegetarian version from Making Home Work:
Wives with Knives (McGyver loves that name) has a crab version (drool):
At someone shared a recipe for an eggs benedict casserole (with great reviews)
And to round it all off Spoon Fork Bacon has a country fried steak version, that’s right I said country fried steak. I’d gladly harden my arteries for that!
Oh my, I think I’m having an egg’s benedict foodgasam….
Happy National Egg’s Benedict Day!

Oh, they all sound so good… going to check them out.
Chomp, swallow! GREG
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