Do you have any big plans for Independence Day? We are making our annual trek to Westport, Wahington for the ‘old time’ 4th of July and visiting with family, it’s kind of mini reunion time for us.
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation and freedom in all just pursuits.
Thomas Jefferson
Can you imagine what our lives would be without the freedoms we have?
Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?
Mahatma Ghandi
The ability to make choices, good, bad or indifferent?
Liberty, taking the word in its concrete sense, consists in the ability to choose.
Simone Weil
What truly makes us great, are the people, but if the people are suppressed, how can they shine?
Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.
Albert Einstein
I am very proud to be an American, I am honored to be a Veteran and I plan on celebrating my freedoms and my ability to shine, to make choices. I’m celebrating because freedom is a right that was fought for and not a privilege for the few. I have traveled enough to know that I am fortunate and even in the very worst of circumstances I have it better than most, I have freedom.
How about the freedom to make a new cocktail?
Recently I did this Mexican “light” cooking class and I wanted to do a cocktail. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make margarita’s which I adore (the standard plain jane on rocks kind is my fav) or Mojitos which is really more South American than Mexican but mint was growing in abundance…and I do love a good Mojito.
So I did a mash up.
I used top shelf liquor.
And I called it a Mar-jito.
I made a pitcher of it.
And I tested it.
It was delicious.
And it disappeared.
I made it for class and it disappeared…
And I made another pitcher and it disappeared…
And then I ran out of booze.
And everyone was sad.
The end.
You need to make this, you could substitute cheap tequila and triple sec, but don’t, or do, that’s your choice…

- Mint leaves (about 20 to 30)
- Ice
- 1 cup tequila blanco
- 1 ½ cups Cointreau
- 3 cups Limeade
- Club Soda
- Lime wedges
- Margarita salt (if desired)
- Add about a bunch of mint leaves to a pitcher. Using the end of a wooden spoon or a muddler, crush the mint leaves. Pour in tequila, the Cointreau and the limeade, stir to mix. Take one lime wedge and juice the edge of an 8 ounce glass, dip the edge in Margarita salt. Put ice in glasses, pour marjitos over the ice until 2/3 full, top with club soda and garnish with lime wedge and mint leaves if desired.
- If you want to make this individual, reduce the amount of mint leaves, use 1 shot of tequila, 1 1/2 shots cointreau, and 1/2 cup of limeade, then follow the rest of the directions.
I wanted to share a cheap little decorating tip with you that we did for the class. I had saved some large tins from whole tomatoes, wrapped them in scrapbook paper and embellished them. Then I spent $20 of flowers at the grocery store and made these great center pieces. Not pictured because I added them last minute, I used cilantro for some green filler (photos taken with iPhone). Then we gave them away as door prizes, yay!
Happy 4th of July everyone.

Love this mish-mash. That is a tipsy bottle prop in your pic? On purpose? LOL
Haha, thats funny. I didn’t even think about the “tipsy” bottle. It was just too tall for the shot I wanted so I tipped it over…or maybe I was a little tipsy?
YUM! Cute table decorations!
We don’t have any plans, but I do now…. gonna make this drink. It looks incredible Rhonda. I love the quotes. Happy 4th to you and your family, enjoy the visit.
Lovely presentation and styling, as always 🙂
Your pictures triggered my senses and now I gotta make this fabulous drink 🙂
I warn you, if you make this drink you’ll be addicted!