Many years ago I lived in England, it was while stationed there that I developed my love for Indian Cuisine. I love British food, especially pub fare, good and hearty! However when I wanted to go out for something special it was Indian. I would hazard to guess that next to India, England has the best Indian food in the world. The food has complex layers of flavor and spices, something your palate never grows tired of. As much as I love it I don’t make it often which probably keeps the love going. It’s always a special night when I cook Indian food.
While I was in photography school I friended a British gal of Indian Heritage, she was always teasing me about my food posts. “Why can’t you post more food without faces?” she would lament. Sometimes you don’t realize how much meat you post until someone points it out. When I got my Secret Recipe Club assignment for this month,, I was beside myself! is a vegetarian, world cuisine and Indian food blog. I poured through all of Nayna’s Indian recipes, so much so that I was almost paralyzed with indecision. Here was a blog that would make my friend Tara smile, and I wanted to do something fabulous.
A fan of Indian breads I finally settled on a bread that I’ve never tried before, an intriguing bread because it was done differently than other bhatura recipes that I have thought about doing. Bhatura is a soft bread that is deep fried. The dough is rolled out and fried until puffs up, the frying separates the layers turning it into this pillowy pita type bread but much more delicate. I followed Nayna’s recommendation and served the traditional Chole Masala (Chana Masala) with it.
No forks needed, the bread is the vehicle by which the Chana Masala is scooped up and consumed. Chana Masala is a chickpea and tomato dish with a nice little spice (I’ll be posting that next), the Bhatura is the perfect complement to the spicy dish.
What I found unique about Nayna’s Bhaturas was the use of plain white bread, self-rising flour and milk. Many Bhatura recipes call for rapid rise yeast and never have I seen one with bread! The Bhatura came together easily and I think that the addition of bread added the ‘yeast’ flavor without using the yeast. The benefit of no yeast means that kept properly, the dough could sit for a long period of time without the fear of over rising. Which is a bloggers dream, make and cook a couple for photos, save the dough and cook fresh for the family.
I converted Nayna’s recipe from self-rising flour to regular all-purpose flour and I converted the measurements for American use. Other than that, the recipe stands as is. I will certainly be making this again and again, it was so much easier to master than roti or chapati!
Please check out and all of our other SRC reveals.

- 4 slices white bread, crusts removed and torn into pieces
- 3/4 cup milk
- 3 cups all purpose flour
- 4 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1/2 cup plain yogurt
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- Oil for deep frying
- Cooking spray
- Pour milk into a microwave safe container and heat on high for 30 seconds. Add torn bread, mash bread into milk with a spoon, set aside for 5 minutes.
- In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and sugar.
- Add yogurt and oil to bread mixture, and stir to combine. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. With hands mix until soft dough forms, knead 4 to 5 minutes. Lightly coat with oil, place back in bowl and cover with a damp paper towel. Let rest in a warm draft free spot for 1 hour.
- In a large pan or wok, heat oil to 350°F.
- Knead dough a few more times and divide into 12 equal balls. Flatten dough into small round patties. Spray the counter or board with a little cooking spray to keep dough from sticking. Roll into 5 to 6" rounds about 1/8" thick.
- Slowly add dough to hot oil. With a slotted spatula, gently hold dough down in oil. The dough will begin to puff up, continue to keep bottom part of dough in oil until light golden brown. Flip dough over and hold bottom half down in oil until light golden brown. Drain on a paper towel.
- Repeat until all bhutara is cooked. Serve with Chole (Chana) Masala.
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Interesting! My understanding of “Indian Fry Bread” before this post is that it was a native American thing – maybe each type of Indian has their own fry bread! Your photos have my tummy growling for Indian food now – it’s very special to me to b/c I hardly ever eat it. But I LOVE it! I also love your blog’s new look – it’s very clean and happy. 😀
Oddly enough the two breads are very similar, this recipe is different because of the use of the white bread. Most bhutara recipes don’t use soaked bread, and the yogurt is different. Native American fry bread does use milk, really it’s amazing how the different cultures have so many similarities.
Thankyou for cooking from, the bhaturas look delicious and have come out perfect.Your pictures are mouth watering.
Nayna it was my pleasure (the chana masala was great also).
I absolutely love Indian Fry Bread. This looks fantastic! Great SRC pick.
Great choice for SRC. We’ve always wondered how to make that!
It was so much easier than I thought.
British Pub Food is the Best! Nice that you were able to make some homemade!!
I love thes elook really delicious!!
What a perfect dinner. I love England too. Glad to be part of SRC group C with you!
It was a perfect dinner, one of these days I’ll make it back to England!
I’m in heaven…with the new look, with the bhatura, with all of it. Can I just move in here?
You know you are welcome anytime…you get to cook though 😉
I have wanted to try cooking some Indian food, and this bread looks like the perfect side dish. Or even the main meal…
I could definitely eat this bread as a main meal, it was hard not to eat it before the main meal was done.
First off Rhonda, let me say how sorry I am about the fact that you had to live in England… 😉 JK – I just got back from vacay there and it rained the ENTIRE time… They also don’t do wine very well.
Second, your blog is looking amazing!! Did you have it redesigned recently??
Third, deciding to put a dish with an ingredient that once contained a face is something I’m all too aware of, thanks to my year bout with vegetarianism. I think it’s nice that you accommodated your friend but also stay true to you 🙂
Lastly, Happy SRC reveal fellow Group C SRC’er!
wow. that was a ton of random thoughts but what can I say?? you inspire that! xoxo!
I’m originally from Washington State so the weather in England was normal for me. If you stay long enough you will see sun! Glad you like the new look!
That looks like a nice little bread and easy to make!
That is such a unique way for leavening. I thought I had misread you earlier when you spoke about white bread being used. This reminds me of Indian Fry Bread (as in Native American). We live near the Indian Fry Bread Capitol of the world, you see. I can’t wait for you to post that chickpea dish? Great post.
Never seen white bread used so creatively. I love wraps. My kids LOVE wraps – they are the perfect ‘make your own’, be the master of your destiny canvas for a great meal!