Let’s face it, life stinks! I’m speaking literally here. Although life can figuratively stink, but it takes a little more than simple deodorizing tabs to fix that stench. Speaking of the stench of life, the New Year always brings upon us, that reflective time. It’s the time we realize that we pretty much are big failures and that we have yet to succeed at accomplishing our lofty New Year’s resolutions…from last year. Humans are a hopeful (err possibly stupid) race, year after year, we preserve after our resolutions. No really, this year I will lose weight and I will pay off my bills and I will get my taxes done on time and I will exercise and I will call my nana every week and so on.
So like the fierce rebel that I am (mainly because I stink at keeping resolutions), I gave up resolutions a long time ago, why disappoint myself? If I need to make a change I shouldn’t wait for the New Year, it should be done now (which of course it still isn’t). I guess by the time you get to be my age change just doesn’t happen easily. Habits are ingrained and I guess I’ve become an expert at excuses and justifications; after all I’ve had a lot of practice.
I still don’t plan on making any resolutions, per se but I did consult my Confucius Dog and she gave me some advice.
Confucius Summer Dog say’s:
- Take more time for taking care of yourself
- Simplify…everything
Hmmm, she may be onto something here!
These are not resolutions, more of a mantra for life… (Please don’t destroy my rebel image by arguing the point).
I figured that Confucius Dog is pretty smart; one of the ways that I am simplifying my life is in the cleaning department. I’m always on the hunt for that cleaning item that will work better, as in I don’t have to work– you do. I have bathroom cleaner, toilet cleaner, window cleaner, degreaser, cleaning wipes (of many varieties), sticker removal, spot remover, carpet cleaners, scouring cleaners, magic erasers, bleach, ammonia, simple green, organic cleaners, and the list goes on.
Wow, that’s a lot of money, a lot of choices and a lot to use.
I’m a little too thrifty to throw out perfectly acceptable stuff, however I am replacing stuff as it goes by the wayside with the homemade stuff. I did question myself whether this was simplifying my life. Isn’t it just easier to buy a cleaner? I had to buy stuff to make cleaners, so that’s a wash…hehe. Here’s the difference, I only need a few items, purchased in bulk to make cleaners which means less trips to the store. It’s so simple to make cleaners that they actually take less time to make than to purchase.
Plus making your own cleaners means using the same container over and over again; that’s less trips to the garbage and less waste. That just sounds good all around.
To start taking the stink out of life I made up some deodorizing tabs. We’ve placed them in the bottom of garbage cans, in closets, drawers and any other place that could use a little odor assistance. They take only 3 ingredients to make, 5 minutes to whip up and in less than an hour (most of it unattended they are ready to use) to make.
I was so pleased with them that this year I gave them as gifts (I’ve been giving homemade gifts for a couple of years now, inspired by Deb at Eliot’s Eats), not that I was trying to tell my friends and family that they had an odor problem or anything… A little finish with some lavender and rosemary, then packaged up in a treat bag made a pretty presentation. They’d also make a perfect gift at a baby shower or as a house warming gift, nothing like saying congratulations on your new home, now let’s make sure it doesn’t ever stink!
Note: Using silicone molds or liners makes for easy clean-up and removal of tabs however the essential oils will leach into the silicone, leaving a slight odor that could affect food later on (I’m not positive as I have not used them for food afterwards, I’d be especially cautious if non-food grade essential oils are used). I recommend using dedicated silicone molds or line with parchment paper.

- 2 cups baking soda
- 1/2 cup water
- essential oils (optional)
- dried flowers/herbs (optional)
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- In a medium bowl mix together baking soda and water. Line a muffin tin with silicone liners or parchment paper, or use a silicone mold.
- Divide baking soda mixture evenly, press down gently with hand to pack. Top with flowers or herbs if desired. Bake for 20 minutes. Turn oven off, add a few drops of essential oils to each tab if desired. Leave in oven until oven is cool to finish drying.
- Once cool remove from silicone molds. Store in an airtight container. Place in refrigerator (unscented is best), closets, drawers, diaper pails and bottom of garbage cans.

Thanks for the shout out AND this idea. I do have some stinking relatives that could use this. Just kidding. Hope you and your wonderfully fun looking family had a great one and all the best in 2015.