
Tag Archives | Stuffing


Turkey Crisp

Leftovers are rarely an issue in this house, not because we eat gobble everything down, we have no problems eating leftovers.  However on big meal days, like Thanksgiving (or when I seem to have no sense of “there’s only two of us”) leftovers can eventually become a put off.  You just loose your taste for […]

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Basic Bread Stuffing www.thekitchenwitchblog.com ©Rhonda Adkins Photography 2013

Basic Bread Stuffing

Every year I teach a Turkey 101 class, we cover all you need to know about preparing the star of the show for Thanksgiving. For class we deep fry a turkey, usually McGyver is out in the freezing cold (this year it was 4°F) while I jabber on about turkeys and the attributes of boxed […]

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Venison Sausage and Chestnut Stuffing

“Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose”  Jack Frost has certainly been nipping at our noses here Montana, actually, I think he’s been biting our noses off.  Our grounds are snow covered and in the last week we’ve had temperatures as low as 7°F. “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire”  […]

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