Some things are just meant to be together!
Archive | Motorcycles

Motorcycle Monday: Where’s Giggles?
Some of you know that I’m out of country right now…this bike is a hint of where I’m at…. (photo source) By the way that’s elephant hide…have you figured it out yet?

Motorcycle Monday: Geezer fixes
Guest Blogging by McGyver on a Motorcycle Monday because Giggles left her ‘puter logged on and I hot wired the dashboard to her blog. Once upon a time, back before Evo engines with Electronic Fuel Ignition, motorcycles came with a CARBURETOR, which was a device for mixing a fuel/air ratio to ensure a proper ignition […]

Motorcycle Monday: A Memorial
One of the things that I love about biker’s is that they are some of the most patriotic people I know. Bikers are proud to be Americans. They love their freedoms probably more than anyone. More than being proud of being American and enjoying their freedoms, Biker’s appreciate the people who made and continue to […]
Motorcycle Monday: FLEAS
There’s a first time for everything, this time I’m actually reposting some from another blog. I’ve never done it before but this good advice must be shared! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen bikers packed up for a long trip and I looked at their packing job and thought to myself, what […]

Motorcycle Monday: Biker gear
Here’s some girl gear to add to your shopping list. Draggin Jeans what’s so great about these? When the weather is too hot for chaps and you aren’t into the armored look, these jeans provide the protection, yet still look like a regular pair of jeans. Denim Chaps can’t bear to part with chaps? Try […]

Motorcycle Monday: My First Solo Ride
I successfully completed the Motorcycle Safety Foundations Beginner’s Riders course and got my endorsement on my license. You can read about that here. Call me brave, call me stupid, mostly call me ignorant. McGyver was still living in Germany, I had bought and moved into our new house in Shiloh, Illinois. Most of the household […]

ABCD: A Blogger’s Centerline Day
Where were you on May Day 2011? Probably not sitting on a center line in the middle of a road. Gary over at USA Tour on a Harley had a plan to get bloggers to post a picture of themselves on a centerline. The rules are simple: Rule 1 – the picture must be taken […]

Motorcycle Monday: Why I decided to ride my own
(Picture from Google Images) I’m going to take you back a few decades. My first introduction to a motorcycle came from my dad. Back in the mid 70’s, my dad had purchased a BMW and put a side car on it. I believe that is how he justified it as a family vehicle to my […]
Motorcycle Monday: ABCD
You can read the original post here: USA Tour on a Harley FYI, You don’t have to be a biker blogger to participate. I’m excited to see where and how creative everyone gets. Maybe you would like to join in with this….. A Bloggers Centerline Day, or ABCD, will take place on Sunday 1st May […]