Now that our cabin is starting to feel like a second home, we can’t stay away! McGyver and I both had a three day weekend and the baby boy is on school break still, so we headed on up the top of the mountain again. We had some more furniture pieces to bring with us […]
Archive | Ramblings

Moving on up! First Weekend.
Moving on up! Moving up 6,000 feet to be exact. Finally our cabin is done enough to move stuff in. Two years in the making and a lot of debt. But the time is finally here. A little background: Over three years ago, we found out we were moving to Great Falls, MT. We were excited […]

There’s No Place Like Home
Relocating can be exciting and stressful. Depending on the reason for your relocation it can be more exciting or more stressful. For my boss the excitement of moving turned into stress and then back to excitement. Approximately 1 1/2 years ago my boss, who was an Assistant Manager at a sister center, accepted a position as Center Manager here in Great Falls. It was a short move from Missoula to Great Falls. Except she really couldn’t move. Her house was on the market, and well the market sucked and the house didn’t sell for a year. The poor lady lived here during the week and went home every weekend.

At Last
At last I have had a perfect morning this week. By prepping everything the night before I was able to get ready for work with leisure, I even watered my plants before work (which gave me time to mow the lawn after work). It also gave me time to make a childhood favorite breakfast. Although […]

An unintended experiment.
Yesterday I woke up late, but I had prepared my breakfast and lunch, laid out my clothes and accessories. I was prepped, so when I woke up late, I was able to get ready in 8 minutes and still make it to work on time. This morning was different. I woke up with an hour […]

It can only get better….
4:10 am the alarm goes off. I hit snooze, 5 minutes later the alarm goes off again. I snooze, just 5 more minutes and I’ll be good. 5:10 am I wake up look at the clock. PANIC! I have to be to work by 5:30 am.
A Better Day
Today was a better day, the puppy got up and went straight out, and I started out with a great, although slightly less than perfect breakfast. Breakfast was a nostalgic trip back to when I lived in England and I was introduced to soft boiled eggs and toast soldiers. Toast soldiers are pieces of toast […]

Waste Not Want Not
And now for something completely different. I find myself alone for a week, once again the men have gone off on a Scout venture. This time to Glacier National Park. I find myself looking forward to some quiet time where I can putz around if I want to, be lazy, watch TV or chick flicks, […]

Last Night
Last Night was the Last Night. The last night I got to spend with whom we affectionately call Thing 1 and Thing 2. I wanted their last night meal to be special, I carefully planned a menu and spent hours prepping and cooking. Cause I love the guys and this is how I show my […]

The Fourth
Most families gather at Christmas or Thanksgaiving or they spend a year planning a family reunion. Not us. Somehow we all get the calling to go to Westport, Washington to Grandma and Grandpa HoHo’s place. It’s our Mecca. This year all six of our kids made it, along with 3 grandchildren and 3 spouses/significant other. […]