Pulled Pork Teriyaki Bowls
We just had a Teriyaki Madness chain open up here in Great Falls and everyone loves it! I have to say I thought it was pretty decent myself. However, I’m a do it yourself gal in the kitchen and when you cook up almost 8 pounds of pork shoulder, grill 5 pounds of squash, 12 […]

Grillaður huma {broiled lobster)
Easy, easy lobster dish! And just in time for Valentines Day. Yes I am still exploring the culinary world of Iceland and have spent all of 10 minutes learning some Icelandic words down. I’m now a pro at ja and nei (yes and no), pronounce yow and nay. To be fair August is a looong way […]

Icelandic Sea Salt and Rosemary Flat Bread
Big News!!!! I’m going to Iceland in August. Like, wow, I mean wow I can’t believe it. If you’ve been hanging out here for awhile you’ll see that I have been posting a lot or Nordic, and more specifically Icelandic recipes. I’ve taken a keen interest in my heritage and of course for me that […]

Dill Pickle and Horseradish Potato Salad
At home we just call this “Jen’s Potato Salad”. Jen is my bestie, next to McGyver she is my soulmate. How lucky I feel to have a friend that I can share, unabashedly everything. Besides being a great confidant, she’s a pretty awesome cook too. When we were stationed together in Germany she made her […]

Icelandic Lakkrís Toppar
I can’t believe that I’ve been missing out on these amazing cookies all my life. It wasn’t until last year when I teamed up with Kris Voorhees to do a Scandinavian Cookie Class that I was introduced to Lakkrís Toppar. They are basically a meringue cookie with semi-sweet chocolate chips and chocolate covered Icelandic licorice. […]

Kartöflur í jafningi {Icelandic Potatoes in White Sauce}
For the longest time I had a dislike for cream sauce, it seemed as if it was used to cover up food that no child in their right mind would like. Lutefisk and peas in my case. Now put some cheese in the white sauce and it was a whole different ball game, but I […]

Icelandic Fish Balls {Fiskibollur}
I know, snigger, snigger she said fish balls. I don’t think I’ll ever out grow my juvenile sense of humor. Fish balls-must be a small meal…Icelandic fish balls-must be cold… Okay so I won’t give up my day job. Evidently having 4 boys and a husband in the family has affected my funny bone. Ball […]

Turkey Crisp
Leftovers are rarely an issue in this house, not because we eat gobble everything down, we have no problems eating leftovers. However on big meal days, like Thanksgiving (or when I seem to have no sense of “there’s only two of us”) leftovers can eventually become a put off. You just loose your taste for […]

Kjötsúpa {Icelandic Lamb Soup}
It’s always been stew to me. Grandma Bodin’s stew. The first time I remember ever having it, I was 10 years old. It didn’t look like stew, as in from the can kind, but it had familiar elements of meat, potato, carrots and liquid. Only it wasn’t the same, and it wasn’t stew. It was […]

Nutra Ninja Blender Duo Auto IQ Review
It’s Saturday morning the sun is shining, may garden needs weeding, my lawn needs mowing and my house needs cleaning. Fuck it, I made a resolution to do more blogging and I’m sticking to it. Especially since I have so many posts to do! I’ve traveled to LA for the IACP conference, went to San […]