The Wedding Day!

The wedding day!  It was a perfect spring day in Las Vegas (view from the bride’s room). The bride was obviously very happy (ok, maybe a little nervous too). Her ladies in waiting (not-sister and soon to be sister in law). And the dress, oh the dress, the perfectly simple, perfectly beautiful dress! Beautiful accessories! This […]

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The day before the big event.  What a busy day, as mother of the bride I found myself being a coordinator, ever try herding cats (Herding Cats on You Tube)?  That’s what my day felt like.  Trying to get a group together is never easy especially after a bachelorette/bachelor party night and traveling the day […]

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It’s a girl thing….

It has been awhile since I’ve had the time to post.  Sometimes things in life just don’t allow for mom’s little hobby.  Especially when you are the Mother of the Bride!  My darling daughter got married this past weekend in Las Vegas!  I know, I’m way too young to have a daughter getting married, at least […]

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It just seems like the nicer the weather gets, the busier we get.  Especially here in Montana where the nice season is short.  You want to take advantage of every nice day you possibly can.  For example today McGyver cleaned out the garage, Ryan mowed the lawn and I cleaned house.  Well, that’s not exactly […]

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All in a Day

What a day Saturday was, actually what a weekend.  Seriously felt like I didn’t have a moment (I did, but I didn’t , you know what I’m talking about).  First off I stayed up waaaay to late Friday night, just had to watch the end of My Friends Wedding, because I’ve never seen it before, […]

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You can’t always get what you want.

If you read my post on Scones you would have known that what I didn’t  want for Mother’s Day was “I didn’t want to have to do anything”.  I was hoping McGyver would read the post and he and the Baby boy would clean the house and do the laundry on Saturday so Mother’s Day would […]

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The List

As usual, I avoid this page like the plague (didn’t even touch it in April).  Somehow it’s a brutal reminder of how I don’t follow up on anything.  I try, well not so much as try, but desire.  I desire to be a good girl and exercise and eat right and be a healthy person. […]

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Danger Men Cooking

Some of you know that we have 40 acres of land in the Rocky Mountains and that we are building a small cabin.  The plan, if it ever gets finished, is try and spend as many weekends up there as possible.  This ain’t no fancy cabin, it’s not a ‘house’ in the woods.  It’s going […]

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Mcgyver and the Baby boy asked me what I wanted to do for Mother’s Day.  Zillions of possibilities flowed through my mind, okay, maybe not zillions, I don’t think I have the capacity for zillions of thoughts.  But I did have a few, like visit Giant Springs, have a picnic, or go for a motorcycle ride […]

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Nothing like a holiday to put you in the mood for specific food.  Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow and all I have to say is “Free-hole-lays!”  Say it with me “Freeee-hole-laaays!”  It even sounds festive.  No one in my family is from Mexico, not even a remote strain, although I have family in Texas.  Close […]

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